Commit c4def7dd authored by Hsiang-Yu's avatar Hsiang-Yu
Browse files


parent 14c9b95b
Model {
Name "k1ioo"
Version 8.2
MdlSubVersion 0
SavedCharacterEncoding "UTF-8"
GraphicalInterface {
NumRootInports 0
NumRootOutports 0
ParameterArgumentNames ""
ComputedModelVersion "1.736"
NumModelReferences 0
NumTestPointedSignals 0
SaveDefaultBlockParams on
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OverrideScopeRefreshTime on
DisableAllScopes off
DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings"
DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes"
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Created "Tue Apr 14 12:28:19 2009"
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LastModifiedDate "Sun May 07 17:53:59 2023"
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AccelTemplateMakefile "accel_default_tmf"
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Object {
$PropName "DataLoggingOverride"
$ObjectID 6
$ClassName "Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLoggingInfo"
model_ "k1ioo"
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Dimension 1
Cell "k1ioo"
PropName "logAsSpecifiedByModels_"
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Cell ""
PropName "logAsSpecifiedByModelsSSIDs_"
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ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
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ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on
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ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
Array {
Type "Handle"
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Simulink.ConfigSet {
$ObjectID 7
Version "1.13.1"
Array {
Type "Handle"
Dimension 8
Simulink.SolverCC {
$ObjectID 8
Version "1.13.1"
StartTime "0.0"
StopTime "10.0"
AbsTol "auto"
FixedStep "auto"
InitialStep "auto"
MaxNumMinSteps "-1"
MaxOrder 5
ZcThreshold "auto"
ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000"
ExtrapolationOrder 4
NumberNewtonIterations 1
MaxStep "auto"
MinStep "auto"
MaxConsecutiveMinStep "1"
RelTol "1e-3"
SolverMode "Auto"
EnableConcurrentExecution off
ConcurrentTasks off
Solver "ode45"
SolverName "ode45"
SolverJacobianMethodControl "auto"
ShapePreserveControl "DisableAll"
ZeroCrossControl "UseLocalSettings"
ZeroCrossAlgorithm "Nonadaptive"
AlgebraicLoopSolver "TrustRegion"
SolverResetMethod "Fast"
PositivePriorityOrder off
AutoInsertRateTranBlk off
SampleTimeConstraint "Unconstrained"
InsertRTBMode "Whenever possible"
Simulink.DataIOCC {
$ObjectID 9
Version "1.13.1"
Decimation "1"
ExternalInput "[t, u]"
FinalStateName "xFinal"
InitialState "xInitial"
LimitDataPoints on
MaxDataPoints "1000"
LoadExternalInput off
LoadInitialState off
SaveFinalState off
SaveCompleteFinalSimState off
SaveFormat "Array"
SignalLoggingSaveFormat "ModelDataLogs"
SaveOutput on
SaveState off
SignalLogging on
DSMLogging on
InspectSignalLogs off
SaveTime on
ReturnWorkspaceOutputs off
StateSaveName "xout"
TimeSaveName "tout"
OutputSaveName "yout"
SignalLoggingName "logsout"
DSMLoggingName "dsmout"
OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes"
OutputTimes "[]"
ReturnWorkspaceOutputsName "out"
Refine "1"
Simulink.OptimizationCC {
$ObjectID 10
Version "1.13.1"
Array {
Type "Cell"
Dimension 4
Cell "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"
Cell "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"
Cell "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"
Cell "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"
PropName "DisabledProps"
BlockReduction on
BooleanDataType on
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InlineInvariantSignals off
OptimizeBlockIOStorage on
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PassReuseOutputArgsAs "Structure reference"
ExpressionDepthLimit 2147483647
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LocalBlockOutputs on
RollThreshold 5
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StateBitsets off
DataBitsets off
ActiveStateOutputEnumStorageType "Native Integer"
UseTempVars off
ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
InitFltsAndDblsToZero on
NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off
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EfficientMapNaN2IntZero on
OptimizeModelRefInitCode off
LifeSpan "inf"
MaxStackSize "Inherit from target"
BufferReusableBoundary on
SimCompilerOptimization "Off"
AccelVerboseBuild off
ParallelExecutionInRapidAccelerator on
Simulink.DebuggingCC {
$ObjectID 11
Version "1.13.1"
RTPrefix "error"
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ArrayBoundsChecking "none"
SignalInfNanChecking "none"
SignalRangeChecking "none"
ReadBeforeWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
WriteAfterWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings"
WriteAfterReadMsg "UseLocalSettings"
AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning"
SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg "warning"
CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection "Classic"
MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "none"
CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off
CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off
SignalResolutionControl "UseLocalSettings"
BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
MinStepSizeMsg "warning"
TimeAdjustmentMsg "none"
MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg "error"
MaskedZcDiagnostic "warning"
IgnoredZcDiagnostic "warning"
SolverPrmCheckMsg "warning"
InheritedTsInSrcMsg "warning"
DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"
MultiTaskDSMMsg "error"
MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "error"
MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error"
SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none"
TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"
SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning"
CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"
IntegerOverflowMsg "warning"
Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning"
ParameterDowncastMsg "error"
ParameterOverflowMsg "error"
ParameterUnderflowMsg "none"
ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"
ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning"
FixptConstUnderflowMsg "none"
FixptConstOverflowMsg "none"
FixptConstPrecisionLossMsg "none"
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UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"
VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"
InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error"
FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "UseLocalSettings"
SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none"
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SFcnCompatibilityMsg "none"
FrameProcessingCompatibilityMsg "warning"
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BusObjectLabelMismatch "warning"
RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"
AssertControl "UseLocalSettings"
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ModelReferenceMultiInstanceNormalModeStructChecksumCheck "error"
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ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"
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UnknownTsInhSupMsg "warning"
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ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"
ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"
StateNameClashWarn "warning"
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SimStateOlderReleaseMsg "error"
InitInArrayFormatMsg "warning"
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BusNameAdapt "WarnAndRepair"
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LoggingUnavailableSignals "error"
BlockIODiagnostic "none"
SFUnusedDataAndEventsDiag "warning"
SFUnexpectedBacktrackingDiag "warning"
SFInvalidInputDataAccessInChartInitDiag "warning"
SFNoUnconditionalDefaultTransitionDiag "warning"
SFTransitionOutsideNaturalParentDiag "warning"
SFUnconditionalTransitionShadowingDiag "warning"
SFUndirectedBroadcastEventsDiag "warning"
SFTransitionActionBeforeConditionDiag "warning"
Simulink.HardwareCC {
$ObjectID 12
Version "1.13.1"
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ProdBitPerShort 16
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ProdBitPerLong 32
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ProdBitPerFloat 32
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ProdLargestAtomicFloat "None"
ProdIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
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TargetBitPerLong 32
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TargetBitPerPointer 32
TargetLargestAtomicInteger "Char"
TargetLargestAtomicFloat "None"
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TargetLongLongMode off
TargetIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"
TargetEndianess "Unspecified"
TargetWordSize 32
TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0
TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32
TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32
TargetHWDeviceType "Specified"
TargetUnknown off
ProdEqTarget on
Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
$ObjectID 13
Version "1.13.1"
UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"
CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off
ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on
ParallelModelReferenceMATLABWorkerInit "None"
ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"
PropagateVarSize "Infer from blocks in model"
ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on
ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off
PropagateSignalLabelsOutOfModel off
SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off
Simulink.SFSimCC {
$ObjectID 14
Version "1.13.1"
SFSimEnableDebug on
SFSimOverflowDetection on
SFSimEcho on
SimBlas on
SimCtrlC on
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SimParseCustomCode on
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SimGenImportedTypeDefs off
Simulink.RTWCC {
$BackupClass "Simulink.RTWCC"
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Version "1.13.1"
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Cell "GenerateTraceInfo"
Cell "GenerateTraceReport"
Cell "GenerateTraceReportSl"
Cell "GenerateTraceReportSf"
Cell "GenerateTraceReportEml"
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MakeCommand "make_rtw"
GenerateMakefile on
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TemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf"
PostCodeGenCommand ""
Description ""
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ConfigurationScript ""
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CustomHeaderCode ""
CustomInclude ""
CustomSource ""
CustomLibrary ""
CustomInitializer ""
CustomTerminator ""
Toolchain "Automatically locate an installed toolchain"
BuildConfiguration "Faster Builds"
IncludeHyperlinkInReport off
LaunchReport off
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GenerateErtSFunction off
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CodeExecutionProfiling off
CodeExecutionProfileVariable "executionProfile"
CodeProfilingSaveOptions "SummaryOnly"
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GenerateTraceReportSf off
GenerateTraceReportEml off
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GenerateCodeReplacementReport off
RTWCompilerOptimization "Off"
RTWCustomCompilerOptimizations ""
CheckMdlBeforeBuild "Off"
CustomRebuildMode "OnUpdate"
DataInitializer ""
SharedConstantsCachingThreshold 1024
Array {
Type "Handle"
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Simulink.CodeAppCC {
$ObjectID 16
Version "1.13.1"
Array {
Type "Cell"
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Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"
Cell "InsertBlockDesc"
Cell "SFDataObjDesc"
Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc"
Cell "DefineNamingRule"
Cell "SignalNamingRule"
Cell "ParamNamingRule"
Cell "InlinedPrmAccess"
Cell "CustomSymbolStr"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrType"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrField"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcn"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrBlkIO"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrTmpVar"
Cell "CustomSymbolStrMacro"
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OperatorAnnotations off
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SimulinkDataObjDesc off
SFDataObjDesc off
MATLABFcnDesc off
IncDataTypeInIds off
MangleLength 1
CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M"
CustomSymbolStrType "$N$R$M_T"
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CustomSymbolStrFcn "$R$N$M$F"
CustomSymbolStrFcnArg "rt$I$N$M"
CustomSymbolStrBlkIO "rtb_$N$M"
CustomSymbolStrTmpVar "$N$M"
CustomSymbolStrMacro "$R$N$M"
CustomSymbolStrUtil "$N$C"
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ParamNamingRule "None"
SignalNamingRule "None"
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MATLABSourceComments off
EnableCustomComments off
InternalIdentifier "Shortened"
InlinedPrmAccess "Literals"
ReqsInCode off
UseSimReservedNames off
Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
$BackupClass "Simulink.TargetCC"
$ObjectID 17
Version "1.13.1"
Array {
Type "Cell"
Dimension 15
Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"
Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns"
Cell "SuppressErrorStatus"
Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners"
Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"
Cell "GenerateTestInterfaces"
Cell "ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant"
Cell "CPPClassGenCompliant"
Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"
Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"
Cell "PortableWordSizes"
Cell "SupportComplex"
Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"
Cell "SupportContinuousTime"
Cell "GenerateAllocFcn"
PropName "DisabledProps"
TargetFcnLib "ansi_tfl_table_tmw.mat"
TargetLibSuffix ""
TargetPreCompLibLocation ""
CodeReplacementLibrary "ANSI_C"
UtilityFuncGeneration "Auto"
ERTMultiwordTypeDef "System defined"
ERTMultiwordLength 256
MultiwordLength 2048
GenerateFullHeader on
GenerateSampleERTMain off
GenerateTestInterfaces off
IsPILTarget off
ModelReferenceCompliant on
ParMdlRefBuildCompliant on
CompOptLevelCompliant on
ConcurrentExecutionCompliant on
IncludeMdlTerminateFcn on
GeneratePreprocessorConditionals "Disable all"
CombineOutputUpdateFcns off
CombineSignalStateStructs off
SuppressErrorStatus off
ERTFirstTimeCompliant off
IncludeFileDelimiter "Auto"
ERTCustomFileBanners off
SupportAbsoluteTime on
LogVarNameModifier "rt_"
MatFileLogging on
MultiInstanceERTCode off
SupportNonFinite on
SupportComplex on
PurelyIntegerCode off
SupportContinuousTime on
SupportNonInlinedSFcns on
SupportVariableSizeSignals off
EnableShiftOperators on
ParenthesesLevel "Nominal"
MATLABClassNameForMDSCustomization "Simulink.SoftwareTarget.GRTCustomization"
ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off
CPPClassGenCompliant off
AutosarCompliant off
GRTInterface on
GenerateAllocFcn off
UseMalloc off
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ExtModeStaticAlloc off
ExtModeTesting off
ExtModeStaticAllocSize 1000000
ExtModeTransport 0
ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm"
ExtModeIntrfLevel "Level1"
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RTWCAPIParams off
RTWCAPIStates off
GenerateASAP2 off
PropName "Components"
PropName "Components"
Name "Configuration"
CurrentDlgPage "Solver"
ConfigPrmDlgPosition [ 1, 28, 881, 658 ]
PropName "ConfigurationSets"
Simulink.ConfigSet {
$PropName "ActiveConfigurationSet"
$ObjectID 7
Object {
$PropName "DataTransfer"
$ObjectID 18
$ClassName "Simulink.GlobalDataTransfer"
DefaultTransitionBetweenSyncTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (maximum delay)"
DefaultTransitionBetweenAsyncTasks "Ensure data integrity only"
DefaultTransitionBetweenContTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (minimum delay)"
DefaultExtrapolationMethodBetweenContTasks "None"
AutoInsertRateTranBlk [0]
ExplicitPartitioning off
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Evaluate "on"
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BlockParameterDefaults {
Block {
BlockType BusSelector
OutputSignals "signal1,signal2,signal3"
OutputAsBus off
Block {
BlockType Constant
Value "1"
VectorParams1D on
SamplingMode "Sample based"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'"
LockScale off
SampleTime "inf"
FramePeriod "inf"
PreserveConstantTs off
Block {
BlockType Ground
Block {
BlockType Product
Inputs "2"
Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
CollapseMode "All dimensions"
CollapseDim "1"
InputSameDT on
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as first input"
LockScale off
RndMeth "Zero"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType RelationalOperator
Operator ">="
InputSameDT on
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimization)"
ZeroCross on
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType Saturate
UpperLimitSource "Dialog"
UpperLimit "0.5"
LowerLimitSource "Dialog"
LowerLimit "-0.5"
LinearizeAsGain on
ZeroCross on
SampleTime "-1"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
LockScale off
RndMeth "Floor"
Block {
BlockType Sum
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Inputs "++"
CollapseMode "All dimensions"
CollapseDim "1"
InputSameDT on
AccumDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as first input"
LockScale off
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType Switch
Criteria "u2 >= Threshold"
Threshold "0"
InputSameDT on
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
LockScale off
RndMeth "Floor"
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Block {
BlockType Terminator
System {
Name "k1ioo"
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BlockType Reference
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Ports [0, 1]
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SourceBlock "cdsAdcx2/ADC2"
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Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "AI1"
SID "2833"
Tag "cdsFilt"
Description "Purpose: "
" "
" \nStandard CDS IIR filter module. "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nOperation: "
" "
" \nConsists of 10 second order section IIR filte"
"rs, plus a ramped gain stage. In FE code, also provides pre-defined test points and excitation channel inputs. T"
"he filter coefficients are defined in the LIGO system using the 'foton' tool.\n "
" "
" \nUsage: "
" "
" \nName the "
"part with the desired filter module name. "
" "
" "
Ports [1, 1]
Position [100, 213, 170, 237]
ZOrder 662
BackgroundColor "[0.419608, 0.588235, 0.239216]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsFilt/Subsystem"
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Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "AI2"
SID "2834"
Tag "cdsFilt"
Description "Purpose: "
" "
" \nStandard CDS IIR filter module. "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nOperation: "
" "
" \nConsists of 10 second order section IIR filte"
"rs, plus a ramped gain stage. In FE code, also provides pre-defined test points and excitation channel inputs. T"
"he filter coefficients are defined in the LIGO system using the 'foton' tool.\n "
" "
" \nUsage: "
" "
" \nName the "
"part with the desired filter module name. "
" "
" "
Ports [1, 1]
Position [100, 268, 170, 292]
ZOrder 665
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DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsFilt/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
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Block {
BlockType BusSelector
Name "Bus\nSelector6"
SID "2835"
Description "ADC Selector"
Ports [1, 32]
Position [1890, 1342, 1900, 2998]
ZOrder 692
ShowName off
AttributesFormatString "%<Description>"
OutputSignals "adc_2_0,adc_2_1,adc_2_2,adc_2_3,adc_2_4,adc_2_5,adc_2_6,adc_2_7,adc_2_8,adc_2_9,adc_2_10,ad"
Port {
PortNumber 1
Name "<adc_2_0>"
RTWStorageClass "Auto"
DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
Port {
PortNumber 2
Name "<adc_2_1>"
RTWStorageClass "Auto"
DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
Port {
PortNumber 3
Name "<adc_2_2>"
RTWStorageClass "Auto"
DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
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PortNumber 4
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Name "<adc_2_6>"
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PortNumber 8
Name "<adc_2_7>"
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DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
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Name "<adc_2_8>"
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DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
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PortNumber 23
Name "<adc_2_22>"
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PortNumber 28
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PortNumber 29
Name "<adc_2_28>"
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DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
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PortNumber 30
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DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
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PortNumber 31
Name "<adc_2_30>"
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DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"
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PortNumber 32
Name "<adc_2_31>"
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BlockType Switch
Name "Choice"
SID "3071"
Position [1505, 1165, 1535, 1195]
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BlockType Switch
Name "Choice1"
SID "3078"
Position [1520, 1025, 1550, 1055]
ZOrder 899
Threshold "1"
InputSameDT off
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Switch
Name "Choice2"
SID "3050"
Position [1450, 635, 1480, 665]
ZOrder 873
InputSameDT off
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Switch
Name "Choice3"
SID "3361"
Position [2785, 1640, 2815, 1670]
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Name "Choice4"
SID "3368"
Position [2785, 1465, 2815, 1495]
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SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
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BlockType Switch
Name "Choice5"
SID "3375"
Position [2785, 1270, 2815, 1300]
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SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
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Name "Constant1"
SID "2899"
Position [2010, 1245, 2055, 1275]
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Value "1638.4"
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SID "3073"
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Name "Constant14"
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Description "ch2-4 of DtoSE board has gain of 2.5"
Position [2345, 50, 2390, 80]
ZOrder 4035
Value "2.5"
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Name "Constant15"
SID "3362"
Position [2690, 1585, 2735, 1615]
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Name "Constant17"
SID "3367"
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Name "Constant18"
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Name "Constant19"
SID "3370"
Position [2690, 1515, 2735, 1545]
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Name "Constant2"
SID "2956"
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Name "Constant23"
SID "3378"
Position [2930, 1400, 2975, 1430]
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BlockType Constant
Name "Constant3"
SID "3001"
Position [1665, 155, 1710, 185]
ZOrder 822
Value "2"
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BlockType Constant
Name "Constant4"
SID "2949"
Position [310, 315, 355, 345]
ZOrder 771
Value "2"
Block {
BlockType Constant
Name "Constant5"
SID "2950"
Position [385, 350, 430, 380]
ZOrder 772
Value "1638.4"
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BlockType Constant
Name "Constant6"
SID "3002"
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Name "Constant7"
SID "3160"
Position [1365, 220, 1410, 250]
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BlockType Constant
Name "Constant8"
SID "3038"
Position [310, 410, 355, 440]
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Value "5"
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BlockType Constant
Name "Constant9"
SID "3051"
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Ports [16]
Position [1130, 269, 1175, 1146]
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DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Description>"
LibraryVersion "1.8"
SourceBlock "dac/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
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BlockType Product
Name "Divide1"
SID "3332"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1537, 2140, 1568]
ZOrder 4065
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide12"
SID "2955"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [885, 257, 915, 288]
ZOrder 775
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide13"
SID "2961"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [895, 317, 925, 348]
ZOrder 781
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide14"
SID "3261"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1387, 2140, 1418]
ZOrder 3992
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide15"
SID "3262"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1437, 2140, 1468]
ZOrder 3993
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide17"
SID "3264"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1365, 1697, 1395, 1728]
ZOrder 3995
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide18"
SID "3265"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1937, 2140, 1968]
ZOrder 3996
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide19"
SID "3266"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1887, 2140, 1918]
ZOrder 3997
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
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Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide2"
SID "3300"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2505, 617, 2535, 648]
ZOrder 4032
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide20"
SID "3267"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1837, 2140, 1868]
ZOrder 3998
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide21"
SID "3268"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1987, 2140, 2018]
ZOrder 3999
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide22"
SID "3269"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1687, 2140, 1718]
ZOrder 4000
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide23"
SID "3270"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1737, 2140, 1768]
ZOrder 4001
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide24"
SID "3271"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1637, 2140, 1668]
ZOrder 4002
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
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RndMeth "Floor"
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Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide25"
SID "3272"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1587, 2140, 1618]
ZOrder 4003
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide26"
SID "3273"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1487, 2140, 1518]
ZOrder 4004
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide3"
SID "3301"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2505, 692, 2535, 723]
ZOrder 4033
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide4"
SID "3302"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2535, 477, 2565, 508]
ZOrder 4036
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Divide5"
SID "3335"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2110, 1787, 2140, 1818]
ZOrder 4069
Inputs "*/"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
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BlockType Reference
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SID "2840"
Ports []
Position [412, 920, 452, 959]
ZOrder 660
ShowName off
LibraryVersion "1.285"
UserDataPersistent on
UserData "DataTag0"
SourceBlock "simulink/Model-Wide\nUtilities/DocBlock"
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BlockType Reference
Name "FLAG_MC_ref"
SID "3379"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [3025, 1275, 3065, 1295]
ZOrder 4112
BackgroundColor "[0.000000, 0.819608, 0.000000]"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "FLAG_MC_ref_MON"
SID "3380"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2850, 1270, 2930, 1300]
ZOrder 4111
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
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SID "3365"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [3025, 1645, 3065, 1665]
ZOrder 4098
BackgroundColor "[0.000000, 0.819608, 0.000000]"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
SID "3364"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2850, 1640, 2930, 1670]
ZOrder 4097
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
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SID "3372"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [3025, 1470, 3065, 1490]
ZOrder 4105
BackgroundColor "[0.000000, 0.819608, 0.000000]"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "FLAG_RC_ref_MON"
SID "3373"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2850, 1465, 2930, 1495]
ZOrder 4104
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
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SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
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Name "Ground1"
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Position [1380, 675, 1400, 695]
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BlockType Ground
Name "Ground10"
SID "3215"
Position [2645, 605, 2665, 625]
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NamePlacement "alternate"
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Name "Ground11"
SID "3089"
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BlockType Ground
Name "Ground12"
SID "3216"
Position [2645, 550, 2665, 570]
ZOrder 3935
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
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Name "Ground13"
SID "3217"
Position [2645, 495, 2665, 515]
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NamePlacement "alternate"
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BlockType Ground
Name "Ground15"
SID "3388"
Position [2645, 770, 2665, 790]
ZOrder 4121
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground16"
SID "3389"
Position [2645, 825, 2665, 845]
ZOrder 4122
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground17"
SID "3286"
Position [1070, 285, 1090, 305]
ZOrder 4017
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground18"
SID "3182"
Position [2645, 1100, 2665, 1120]
ZOrder 3901
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground19"
SID "3183"
Position [2645, 1045, 2665, 1065]
ZOrder 3902
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground2"
SID "2851"
Position [45, 215, 65, 235]
ZOrder 663
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground20"
SID "3184"
Position [2645, 990, 2665, 1010]
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NamePlacement "alternate"
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BlockType Ground
Name "Ground21"
SID "3185"
Position [2645, 935, 2665, 955]
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BlockType Ground
Name "Ground22"
SID "3295"
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BlockType Ground
Name "Ground25"
SID "3306"
Position [1080, 890, 1100, 910]
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Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground26"
SID "3310"
Position [2645, 880, 2665, 900]
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NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground27"
SID "3288"
Position [1070, 340, 1090, 360]
ZOrder 4019
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground28"
SID "3289"
Position [1070, 395, 1090, 415]
ZOrder 4020
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground29"
SID "3290"
Position [1080, 450, 1100, 470]
ZOrder 4021
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground3"
SID "2852"
Position [45, 270, 65, 290]
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Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground30"
SID "3291"
Position [1080, 505, 1100, 525]
ZOrder 4022
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground31"
SID "3292"
Position [1080, 560, 1100, 580]
ZOrder 4023
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground32"
SID "3294"
Position [1080, 670, 1100, 690]
ZOrder 4025
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground33"
SID "3132"
Position [1080, 1110, 1100, 1130]
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Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground34"
SID "3293"
Position [1080, 615, 1100, 635]
ZOrder 4024
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground35"
SID "3386"
Position [1080, 780, 1100, 800]
ZOrder 4119
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground36"
SID "3339"
Position [1255, 1380, 1275, 1400]
ZOrder 4072
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground37"
SID "3358"
Position [1190, 1695, 1210, 1715]
ZOrder 4091
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground38"
SID "3360"
Position [1310, 1755, 1330, 1775]
ZOrder 4093
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground4"
SID "3074"
Position [1410, 1215, 1430, 1235]
ZOrder 895
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground5"
SID "3393"
Position [1365, 270, 1385, 290]
ZOrder 4127
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground6"
SID "3090"
Position [1210, 640, 1230, 660]
ZOrder 911
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground7"
SID "3387"
Position [2645, 715, 2665, 735]
ZOrder 4120
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
Block {
BlockType Ground
Name "Ground9"
SID "3214"
Position [2645, 660, 2665, 680]
ZOrder 3933
NamePlacement "alternate"
ShowName off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Heater_RC"
SID "3392"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [1465, 1645, 1530, 1675]
ZOrder 4126
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_CGC"
SID "3048"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [245, 715, 310, 745]
ZOrder 869
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_FGC"
SID "3046"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [245, 635, 310, 665]
ZOrder 867
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_LO"
SID "3311"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1595, 2455, 1615]
ZOrder 4044
BackgroundColor "[0.000000, 0.819608, 0.000000]"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_LO_MON"
SID "2913"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1590, 2290, 1620]
ZOrder 733
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_LO_volt_MON"
SID "3274"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1580, 2055, 1610]
ZOrder 4008
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_Mixer"
SID "2917"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1645, 2455, 1665]
ZOrder 738
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_Mixer_MON"
SID "2918"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1640, 2290, 1670]
ZOrder 736
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_Mixer_volt_MON"
SID "3275"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1630, 2055, 1660]
ZOrder 4009
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_OFF"
SID "3042"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [245, 555, 310, 585]
ZOrder 863
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_SW"
SID "3063"
Tag "cdsFilt"
Description "Purpose: "
" "
" \nStandard CDS IIR filter module. "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nOperation: "
" "
" \nConsists of 10 second order section IIR filte"
"rs, plus a ramped gain stage. In FE code, also provides pre-defined test points and excitation channel inputs. T"
"he filter coefficients are defined in the LIGO system using the 'foton' tool.\n "
" "
" \nUsage: "
" "
" \nName the "
"part with the desired filter module name. "
" "
" "
Ports [1, 1]
Position [410, 453, 480, 477]
ZOrder 884
BackgroundColor "[0.419608, 0.588235, 0.239216]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsFilt/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_fast"
SID "2920"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1695, 2455, 1715]
ZOrder 741
BackgroundColor "[0.000000, 0.819608, 0.000000]"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_fast_MON"
SID "2921"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1690, 2290, 1720]
ZOrder 739
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_fast_volt_MON"
SID "3276"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1680, 2055, 1710]
ZOrder 4010
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_ref"
SID "2897"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1445, 2455, 1465]
ZOrder 716
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_ref_MON"
SID "2898"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1440, 2290, 1470]
ZOrder 721
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_ref_volt_MON"
SID "3277"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1430, 2055, 1460]
ZOrder 4006
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_slow"
SID "2923"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1745, 2455, 1765]
ZOrder 744
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_slow_MON"
SID "2924"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1740, 2290, 1770]
ZOrder 742
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MC_slow_volt_MON"
SID "3278"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1730, 2055, 1760]
ZOrder 4011
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "MON1"
SID "3064"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [485, 510, 565, 540]
ZOrder 885
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
SID "2957"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [1485, 405, 1550, 435]
ZOrder 854
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "OFS_PD"
SID "2912"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1795, 2455, 1815]
ZOrder 732
BackgroundColor "[0.000000, 0.819608, 0.000000]"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
SID "3336"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1790, 2290, 1820]
ZOrder 4070
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "OFS_PD_Out"
SID "3334"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1545, 2455, 1565]
ZOrder 4067
BackgroundColor "[0.000000, 0.819608, 0.000000]"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "OFS_PD_Out_MON"
SID "3333"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1540, 2290, 1570]
ZOrder 4066
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "OFS_PD_Out_volt_MON"
SID "3331"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1530, 2055, 1560]
ZOrder 4064
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "OFS_PD_volt_MON"
SID "3337"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1780, 2055, 1810]
ZOrder 4068
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType RelationalOperator
Name "Operator"
SID "3072"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1370, 1367, 1400, 1398]
ZOrder 893
Operator "<="
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "boolean"
Block {
BlockType Reference
SID "2947"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [340, 210, 405, 240]
ZOrder 767
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
SID "2960"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [625, 375, 690, 405]
ZOrder 780
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product"
SID "2941"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [805, 262, 835, 293]
ZOrder 761
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product1"
SID "2959"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [815, 332, 845, 363]
ZOrder 779
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product10"
SID "3049"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [650, 692, 680, 723]
ZOrder 870
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product11"
SID "3058"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1640, 872, 1670, 903]
ZOrder 882
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product12"
SID "3059"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1670, 627, 1700, 658]
ZOrder 876
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product13"
SID "3060"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1650, 722, 1680, 753]
ZOrder 878
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product14"
SID "3061"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1650, 792, 1680, 823]
ZOrder 880
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product15"
SID "3159"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1450, 242, 1480, 273]
ZOrder 986
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product16"
SID "3366"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [3010, 1762, 3040, 1793]
ZOrder 4099
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product17"
SID "3374"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [3010, 1587, 3040, 1618]
ZOrder 4106
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product18"
SID "3381"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [3010, 1392, 3040, 1423]
ZOrder 4113
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product19"
SID "3395"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [2545, 432, 2575, 463]
ZOrder 4129
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product2"
SID "3390"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [695, 442, 725, 473]
ZOrder 4123
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product3"
SID "2952"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [480, 322, 510, 353]
ZOrder 770
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product4"
SID "3003"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1765, 202, 1795, 233]
ZOrder 821
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product5"
SID "3004"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1825, 252, 1855, 283]
ZOrder 824
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product6"
SID "3044"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [650, 537, 680, 568]
ZOrder 865
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product7"
SID "3034"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [1815, 397, 1845, 428]
ZOrder 855
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product8"
SID "3035"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [925, 417, 955, 448]
ZOrder 888
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Product
Name "Product9"
SID "3047"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [650, 607, 680, 638]
ZOrder 868
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_CGC"
SID "3053"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [1300, 900, 1365, 930]
ZOrder 881
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_EOM"
SID "2935"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1945, 2455, 1965]
ZOrder 756
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
SID "2936"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1940, 2290, 1970]
ZOrder 754
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_EOM_volt_MON"
SID "3279"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1930, 2055, 1960]
ZOrder 4015
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_FGC"
SID "3054"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [1300, 820, 1365, 850]
ZOrder 879
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_LO"
SID "2926"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1995, 2455, 2015]
ZOrder 747
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_LO_MON"
SID "2927"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1990, 2290, 2020]
ZOrder 745
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_LO_volt_MON"
SID "3280"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1980, 2055, 2010]
ZOrder 4012
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_Mixer"
SID "2929"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1845, 2455, 1865]
ZOrder 750
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_Mixer_MON"
SID "2930"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1840, 2290, 1870]
ZOrder 748
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_Mixer_volt_MON"
SID "3281"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1830, 2055, 1860]
ZOrder 4013
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_OFF"
SID "3055"
Tag "cdsEpicsIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreat"
"e an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precisi"
"on of 3..\n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS "
"channel name. "
Ports [0, 1]
Position [1300, 740, 1365, 770]
ZOrder 877
BackgroundColor "green"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_SW"
SID "3091"
Tag "cdsEpicsBinIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreate "
"an EPICS binary (0 or 1) input channel to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is binary input (bi Epics record type).\n"
" \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS channel name. "
" "
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1265, 635, 1340, 665]
ZOrder 912
BackgroundColor "darkGreen"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.5"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsBinIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_fast"
SID "2932"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1895, 2455, 1915]
ZOrder 753
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_fast_MON"
SID "2933"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1890, 2290, 1920]
ZOrder 751
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_fast_volt_MON"
SID "3282"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1880, 2055, 1910]
ZOrder 4014
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_ref"
SID "2905"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1495, 2455, 1515]
ZOrder 725
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_ref_MON"
SID "2902"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1490, 2290, 1520]
ZOrder 722
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "RC_ref_volt_MON"
SID "3283"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1480, 2055, 1510]
ZOrder 4007
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
SID "3385"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [3490, 1400, 3530, 1420]
ZOrder 4118
BackgroundColor "[0.000000, 0.819608, 0.000000]"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
SID "3384"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [3310, 1395, 3390, 1425]
ZOrder 4117
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "SW"
SID "3088"
Tag "cdsEpicsBinIn"
Description "Purpose: \nCreate "
"an EPICS binary (0 or 1) input channel to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is binary input (bi Epics record type).\n"
" \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS channel name. "
" "
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1310, 1025, 1385, 1055]
ZOrder 910
BackgroundColor "darkGreen"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.5"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsBinIn/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "SW_MON"
SID "3081"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1580, 1025, 1660, 1055]
ZOrder 902
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Saturate
Name "Saturation1"
SID "3161"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [990, 465, 1020, 495]
ZOrder 988
InputPortMap "u0"
UpperLimit "16384"
LowerLimit "0"
Block {
BlockType Saturate
Name "Saturation2"
SID "2958"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [995, 355, 1025, 385]
ZOrder 778
InputPortMap "u0"
UpperLimit "16384"
LowerLimit "-16384"
Block {
BlockType Saturate
Name "Saturation3"
SID "2965"
Ports [1, 1]
Position [975, 245, 1005, 275]
ZOrder 785
InputPortMap "u0"
UpperLimit "16384"
LowerLimit "-16384"
Block {
BlockType Sum
Name "Sum"
SID "3382"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [3155, 1595, 3175, 1615]
ZOrder 4115
ShowName off
IconShape "round"
Inputs "|++"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Sum
Name "Sum1"
SID "3383"
Ports [2, 1]
Position [3210, 1400, 3230, 1420]
ZOrder 4116
ShowName off
IconShape "round"
Inputs "|++"
InputSameDT off
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Temp_AI"
SID "3066"
Tag "cdsFilt"
Description "Purpose: "
" "
" \nStandard CDS IIR filter module. "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nOperation: "
" "
" \nConsists of 10 second order section IIR filte"
"rs, plus a ramped gain stage. In FE code, also provides pre-defined test points and excitation channel inputs. T"
"he filter coefficients are defined in the LIGO system using the 'foton' tool.\n "
" "
" \nUsage: "
" "
" \nName the "
"part with the desired filter module name. "
" "
" "
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1555, 248, 1625, 272]
ZOrder 887
BackgroundColor "[0.419608, 0.588235, 0.239216]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.2"
SourceBlock "cdsFilt/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Temp_RC_MON"
SID "3140"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1465, 1750, 1545, 1780]
ZOrder 964
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "Temp_RC_volt_MON"
SID "3284"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1230, 1690, 1310, 1720]
ZOrder 4016
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator1"
SID "2939"
Position [255, 270, 275, 290]
ZOrder 759
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator10"
SID "3314"
Position [1945, 2335, 1965, 2355]
ZOrder 4047
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator11"
SID "3315"
Position [1945, 2285, 1965, 2305]
ZOrder 4048
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator12"
SID "3316"
Position [1945, 2235, 1965, 2255]
ZOrder 4049
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator13"
SID "3317"
Position [1945, 2185, 1965, 2205]
ZOrder 4050
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator2"
SID "3009"
Position [255, 215, 275, 235]
ZOrder 829
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator25"
SID "3239"
Position [2345, 425, 2365, 445]
ZOrder 3950
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator26"
SID "3240"
Position [2345, 480, 2365, 500]
ZOrder 3951
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator27"
SID "3241"
Position [2345, 535, 2365, 555]
ZOrder 3952
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator28"
SID "3242"
Position [2345, 590, 2365, 610]
ZOrder 3953
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator29"
SID "3243"
Position [2345, 645, 2365, 665]
ZOrder 3954
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator3"
SID "3065"
Position [655, 495, 675, 515]
ZOrder 886
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator30"
SID "3318"
Position [1945, 2135, 1965, 2155]
ZOrder 4051
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator32"
SID "3319"
Position [1945, 2085, 1965, 2105]
ZOrder 4052
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator33"
SID "3320"
Position [1945, 2585, 1965, 2605]
ZOrder 4054
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator34"
SID "3321"
Position [1945, 2535, 1965, 2555]
ZOrder 4055
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator35"
SID "3322"
Position [1945, 2485, 1965, 2505]
ZOrder 4056
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator36"
SID "3323"
Position [1945, 2435, 1965, 2455]
ZOrder 4057
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator37"
SID "3324"
Position [1945, 2635, 1965, 2655]
ZOrder 4053
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator38"
SID "3325"
Position [1945, 2835, 1965, 2855]
ZOrder 4059
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator39"
SID "3326"
Position [1945, 2785, 1965, 2805]
ZOrder 4060
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator4"
SID "3391"
Position [775, 495, 795, 515]
ZOrder 4124
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator40"
SID "3327"
Position [1945, 2735, 1965, 2755]
ZOrder 4061
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator41"
SID "3328"
Position [1945, 2685, 1965, 2705]
ZOrder 4062
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator42"
SID "3329"
Position [1945, 2885, 1965, 2905]
ZOrder 4058
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator43"
SID "3330"
Position [1945, 2935, 1965, 2955]
ZOrder 4063
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator5"
SID "3082"
Position [1690, 1030, 1710, 1050]
ZOrder 903
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator57"
SID "3359"
Position [1945, 2035, 1965, 2055]
ZOrder 4092
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator6"
SID "3396"
Position [1580, 1755, 1600, 1775]
ZOrder 4130
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator7"
SID "3307"
Position [995, 515, 1015, 535]
ZOrder 4040
Block {
BlockType Terminator
Name "Terminator9"
SID "3313"
Position [1945, 2385, 1965, 2405]
ZOrder 4046
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "d_err"
SID "2895"
Tag "Test Point"
Ports [1]
Position [2415, 1395, 2455, 1415]
ZOrder 715
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsTP/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "derr_MON"
SID "2896"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [2210, 1390, 2290, 1420]
ZOrder 718
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "derr_volt_MON"
SID "3285"
Tag "cdsEpicsOutput"
Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: "
" \nTakes input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage"
": \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
Ports [1, 1]
Position [1975, 1380, 2055, 1410]
ZOrder 4005
BackgroundColor "[0.686275, 0.372549, 0.313725]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.1"
SourceBlock "cdsEpicsOut/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "host=standalone\nsite=K1\nrate=16K\ndcuid=95\nshmem_daq=1\nspecific_cpu=10\nadcSlave=1\nno_rfm_dma="
SID "2891"
Tag "cdsParameters"
Description " "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nPurpose: "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nProvide system parameters to the FE code generator to"
" properly configure the generated EPICS names, rep rate of the FE controller, and the Data Acquisition node ID f"
"or proper storage of data from this FE controller. \n "
" "
" \nUseage: "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nThe part NAME"
" field is used to identify the FE parameters. It must be of the form: "
" \n "
" "
" "
" \nsite= "
" "
" \nrate= "
" "
" \ndcuid= "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nWhere: "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nsite= argument may be H1, H2, L1, M1, G1, eit"
"her as a single argument or multiple, for example site=H1,H2. These are the only names allowed. These will becom"
"e the first two characters of all EPICS and signal names (for example G1:).\n "
" "
" \nrate= may be 2K, 16K, 32K"
", or 64K "
" \n "
" "
" \ndcuid"
"= is site specific ie it must be unique at each site. "
" "
" "
Ports [1, 1]
Position [410, 990, 450, 1050]
ZOrder 659
BackgroundColor "[1.000000, 0.501961, 0.000000]"
DropShadow on
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.4"
SourceBlock "cdsParameters/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Block {
BlockType Reference
Name "ofs_exc"
SID "3005"
Tag "Excitation"
Ports [0, 1]
Position [840, 416, 880, 434]
ZOrder 825
BackgroundColor "green"
AttributesFormatString "%<Tag>"
LibraryVersion "1.7"
SourceBlock "cdsEXC/Subsystem"
SourceType "SubSystem"
ContentPreviewEnabled off
Line {
ZOrder 4839
SrcBlock "ADC2"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 1999
SrcBlock "Ground2"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "AI1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2000
SrcBlock "Ground3"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "AI2"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_0>"
ZOrder 4874
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "derr_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_1>"
ZOrder 4878
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 2
DstBlock "MC_ref_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_2>"
ZOrder 4880
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 3
DstBlock "RC_ref_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_4>"
ZOrder 4993
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 5
DstBlock "MC_LO_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_5>"
ZOrder 4885
Labels [0, 1]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 6
DstBlock "MC_Mixer_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_6>"
ZOrder 4887
Labels [0, 1]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 7
DstBlock "MC_fast_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_7>"
ZOrder 4876
Labels [0, 1]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 8
DstBlock "MC_slow_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4945
SrcBlock "RC_LO_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_LO"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_8>"
ZOrder 5775
Labels [0, 1]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 9
DstBlock "OFS_PD_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4944
SrcBlock "RC_Mixer_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_Mixer"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_9>"
ZOrder 4891
Labels [0, 1]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 10
DstBlock "RC_Mixer_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4943
SrcBlock "RC_fast_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_fast"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_10>"
ZOrder 4893
Labels [0, 1]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 11
DstBlock "RC_fast_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4942
SrcBlock "RC_EOM_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_EOM"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_11>"
ZOrder 4895
Labels [0, 1]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 12
DstBlock "RC_EOM_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2224
SrcBlock "AI2"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Terminator1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2256
SrcPort 1
Points [302, 0; 0, 45]
DstBlock "Product"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2296
SrcBlock "Product"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, -15]
DstBlock "Divide12"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2270
SrcBlock "Constant4"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Product3"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2271
SrcBlock "Constant5"
SrcPort 1
Points [9, 0; 0, -20]
DstBlock "Product3"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 5683
SrcBlock "derr_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "d_err"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5684
SrcBlock "MC_ref_MON"
SrcPort 1
Points [65, 0]
Branch {
ZOrder 6058
Points [0, -170]
DstBlock "Choice5"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 6057
DstBlock "MC_ref"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5692
SrcBlock "MC_LO_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "MC_LO"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5682
SrcBlock "MC_Mixer_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "MC_Mixer"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5691
SrcBlock "MC_fast_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "MC_fast"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5686
SrcBlock "MC_slow_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "MC_slow"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2389
SrcPort 1
Points [41, 0; 0, -23; 50, 0; 0, -27]
DstBlock "Product1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2391
SrcBlock "Product1"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, -25]
DstBlock "Divide13"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2394
SrcBlock "Divide13"
SrcPort 1
Points [27, 0; 0, 35]
DstBlock "Saturation2"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2569
SrcBlock "Divide12"
SrcPort 1
Points [25, 0; 0, -15]
DstBlock "Saturation3"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2674
SrcBlock "Constant3"
SrcPort 1
Points [22, 0; 0, 40]
DstBlock "Product4"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 2675
SrcBlock "Constant6"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Product4"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3023
SrcBlock "AI1"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Terminator2"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3289
SrcBlock "Temp_AI"
SrcPort 1
Points [88, 0; 0, 15]
DstBlock "Product5"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3202
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Product7"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3210
SrcBlock "Constant2"
SrcPort 1
Points [57, 0; 0, 52]
Branch {
ZOrder 3212
Points [-19, 0; 0, 108]
DstBlock "Divide13"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 3211
Points [0, 48]
DstBlock "Divide12"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3282
SrcBlock "Constant8"
SrcPort 1
Points [22, 0; 0, 40]
DstBlock "MC_SW"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3228
SrcBlock "MC_OFF"
SrcPort 1
Points [125, 0; 0, -10]
DstBlock "Product6"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3238
SrcBlock "MC_FGC"
SrcPort 1
Points [137, 0; 0, -20]
DstBlock "Product9"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3246
SrcBlock "MC_CGC"
SrcPort 1
Points [130, 0; 0, -15]
DstBlock "Product10"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3571
SrcBlock "RC_SW"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Choice2"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3249
SrcBlock "Constant9"
SrcPort 1
Points [15, 0; 0, 30]
DstBlock "Choice2"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3250
SrcBlock "Ground1"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, -25]
DstBlock "Choice2"
DstPort 3
Line {
ZOrder 3251
SrcBlock "Choice2"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Product12"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3252
SrcBlock "RC_OFF"
SrcPort 1
Points [125, 0; 0, -10]
DstBlock "Product13"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 2678
SrcBlock "Product4"
SrcPort 1
Points [10, 0; 0, 40]
Branch {
ZOrder 3200
Points [0, 75; -19, 0; 0, 70]
Branch {
ZOrder 6636
DstBlock "Product7"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 3205
Points [0, 63; -157, 0; 0, 167]
Branch {
ZOrder 6637
DstBlock "Product12"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 3258
Points [0, 95]
Branch {
ZOrder 3257
Points [0, 70]
Branch {
ZOrder 3256
DstBlock "Product14"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 3255
Points [0, 80]
DstBlock "Product11"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 3254
DstBlock "Product13"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 3199
DstBlock "Product5"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3260
SrcBlock "RC_FGC"
SrcPort 1
Points [137, 0; 0, -20]
DstBlock "Product14"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3261
SrcBlock "RC_CGC"
SrcPort 1
Points [130, 0; 0, -20]
DstBlock "Product11"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 4664
SrcBlock "Product12"
SrcPort 1
Points [49, 0; 0, -155]
DstBlock "Terminator26"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4665
SrcBlock "Product13"
SrcPort 1
Points [116, 0; 0, -195]
DstBlock "Terminator27"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4666
SrcBlock "Product14"
SrcPort 1
Points [163, 0; 0, -210]
DstBlock "Terminator28"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4667
SrcBlock "Product11"
SrcPort 1
Points [231, 0; 0, -235]
DstBlock "Terminator29"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3283
SrcBlock "MC_SW"
SrcPort 1
Points [39, 0]
Branch {
ZOrder 6624
DstBlock "Product2"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 6623
Points [0, 25; -49, 0; 0, 35]
DstBlock "MON1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6622
SrcBlock "MON1"
SrcPort 1
Points [40, 0; 0, -20]
DstBlock "Terminator3"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3486
SrcBlock "ofs_exc"
SrcPort 1
Points [17, 0; 0, 15]
DstBlock "Product8"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3547
SrcBlock "Constant10"
SrcPort 1
Points [25, 0]
DstBlock "Operator"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3548
SrcBlock "Operator"
SrcPort 1
Points [62, 0; 0, -205]
DstBlock "Choice"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3550
SrcBlock "Ground4"
SrcPort 1
Points [51, 0; 0, -35]
DstBlock "Choice"
DstPort 3
Line {
ZOrder 3551
SrcBlock "Constant11"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Choice"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4662
SrcBlock "Choice"
SrcPort 1
Points [651, 0; 0, -745]
DstBlock "Terminator25"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5751
SrcBlock "Ground36"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Operator"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3555
SrcBlock "Constant12"
SrcPort 1
Points [15, 0; 0, 45]
DstBlock "Choice1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3557
SrcBlock "Choice1"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "SW_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3558
SrcBlock "SW_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Terminator5"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3563
SrcBlock "Constant13"
SrcPort 1
Points [15, 0; 0, -50]
DstBlock "Choice1"
DstPort 3
Line {
ZOrder 3569
SrcBlock "SW"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Choice1"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 3568
SrcBlock "Ground11"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "SW"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3570
SrcBlock "Ground6"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_SW"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3815
SrcBlock "Ground33"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 16
Line {
Name "<adc_2_12>"
ZOrder 4889
Labels [0, 1]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 13
DstBlock "RC_LO_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3920
SrcBlock "Product5"
SrcPort 1
Points [9, 0; 0, -122; -803, 0; 0, 82; -104, 0; 0, 250]
DstBlock "Saturation1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6412
SrcBlock "Saturation2"
SrcPort 1
Points [13, 0; 0, -229; 1379, 0; 0, 484]
DstBlock "Divide2"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3924
SrcBlock "Constant7"
SrcPort 1
Points [15, 0; 0, 15]
DstBlock "Product15"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 3925
SrcBlock "Product15"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Temp_AI"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6584
SrcBlock "Divide4"
SrcPort 1
Points [67, 0; 0, -210]
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5555
SrcBlock "Saturation3"
SrcPort 1
Points [205, 0; 0, -147; 1225, 0; 0, 372]
DstBlock "Divide4"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5575
SrcBlock "Product6"
SrcPort 1
Points [247, 0; 0, 400]
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 13
Line {
ZOrder 4580
SrcBlock "Ground21"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 13
Line {
ZOrder 4581
SrcBlock "Ground20"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 14
Line {
ZOrder 4583
SrcBlock "Ground19"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 15
Line {
ZOrder 4584
SrcBlock "Ground18"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 16
Line {
ZOrder 6585
SrcBlock "Divide2"
SrcPort 1
Points [66, 0; 0, -295]
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 6586
SrcBlock "Divide3"
SrcPort 1
Points [38, 0; 0, -315]
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 3
Line {
ZOrder 4647
SrcBlock "Ground13"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 5
Line {
ZOrder 4646
SrcBlock "Ground12"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 6
Line {
ZOrder 4648
SrcBlock "Ground10"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 7
Line {
ZOrder 4649
SrcBlock "Ground9"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 8
Line {
Name "<adc_2_3>"
ZOrder 5735
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 4
DstBlock "OFS_PD_Out_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4875
SrcBlock "Divide14"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "derr_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4877
SrcBlock "Divide23"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "MC_slow_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4879
SrcBlock "Divide15"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "MC_ref_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4881
SrcBlock "Divide26"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_ref_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4884
SrcBlock "Divide25"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "MC_LO_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4886
SrcBlock "Divide24"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "MC_Mixer_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4888
SrcBlock "Divide22"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "MC_fast_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4890
SrcBlock "Divide21"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_LO_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4892
SrcBlock "Divide20"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_Mixer_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4894
SrcBlock "Divide19"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_fast_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4896
SrcBlock "Divide18"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "RC_EOM_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6840
SrcBlock "Divide17"
SrcPort 1
Points [30, 0; 0, 50]
DstBlock "Temp_RC_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4953
SrcBlock "Constant1"
SrcPort 1
Points [23, 0; 0, 150]
Branch {
ZOrder 4955
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 4958
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 4961
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 5738
DstBlock "Divide1"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 5737
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 4964
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 4967
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 4970
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 4973
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 5774
DstBlock "Divide5"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 5700
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 5710
DstBlock "Divide20"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 5702
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 5711
DstBlock "Divide19"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 5705
Points [0, 50]
Branch {
ZOrder 5712
DstBlock "Divide18"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 5707
Points [0, 50]
DstBlock "Divide21"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 4972
DstBlock "Divide23"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 4969
DstBlock "Divide22"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 4966
DstBlock "Divide24"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 4963
DstBlock "Divide25"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 4960
DstBlock "Divide26"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 4957
DstBlock "Divide15"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 4954
DstBlock "Divide14"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 4990
SrcBlock "derr_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide14"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4991
SrcBlock "MC_ref_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide15"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4992
SrcBlock "RC_ref_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide26"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4994
SrcBlock "MC_LO_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide25"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4995
SrcBlock "MC_Mixer_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide24"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4996
SrcBlock "MC_fast_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide22"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4997
SrcBlock "MC_slow_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide23"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 4998
SrcBlock "RC_LO_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide21"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5001
SrcBlock "RC_Mixer_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide20"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5002
SrcBlock "RC_fast_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide19"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5003
SrcBlock "RC_EOM_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide18"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5004
SrcBlock "Temp_RC_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide17"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5239
SrcBlock "Ground17"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5240
SrcBlock "Ground27"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 5241
SrcBlock "Ground28"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 3
Line {
ZOrder 5242
SrcBlock "Ground29"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 4
Line {
ZOrder 5243
SrcBlock "Ground30"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 5
Line {
ZOrder 5244
SrcBlock "Ground31"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 6
Line {
ZOrder 5245
SrcBlock "Ground34"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 7
Line {
ZOrder 5344
SrcBlock "Ground32"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 8
Line {
ZOrder 5450
SrcBlock "Ground22"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 9
Line {
ZOrder 5574
SrcBlock "Product9"
SrcPort 1
Points [140, 0; 0, 385]
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 14
Line {
ZOrder 5573
SrcBlock "Product10"
SrcPort 1
Points [49, 0; 0, 355]
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 15
Line {
ZOrder 5540
SrcBlock "Constant14"
SrcPort 1
Points [72, 0; 0, 435]
Branch {
ZOrder 6599
DstBlock "Divide4"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 6598
Points [0, 140]
Branch {
ZOrder 6600
DstBlock "Divide2"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 6595
Points [0, 75]
DstBlock "Divide3"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 5576
SrcBlock "Ground25"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 12
Line {
ZOrder 5577
SrcBlock "Saturation1"
SrcPort 1
Points [8, 0; 0, 76; -66, 0; 0, -31]
DstBlock "Terminator7"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6411
SrcBlock "Product7"
SrcPort 1
Points [563, 0; 0, 285]
DstBlock "Divide3"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5681
SrcBlock "Product8"
SrcPort 1
Points [94, 0; 0, 410]
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 11
Line {
ZOrder 5680
SrcBlock "Ground26"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 12
Line {
Name "<adc_2_31>"
ZOrder 5715
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 32
DstBlock "Terminator43"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_30>"
ZOrder 5716
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 31
DstBlock "Terminator42"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_29>"
ZOrder 5717
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 30
DstBlock "Terminator38"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_28>"
ZOrder 5718
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 29
DstBlock "Terminator39"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_27>"
ZOrder 5719
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 28
DstBlock "Terminator40"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_26>"
ZOrder 5720
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 27
DstBlock "Terminator41"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_25>"
ZOrder 5721
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 26
DstBlock "Terminator37"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_24>"
ZOrder 5722
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 25
DstBlock "Terminator33"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_23>"
ZOrder 5723
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 24
DstBlock "Terminator34"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_22>"
ZOrder 5724
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 23
DstBlock "Terminator35"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_21>"
ZOrder 5725
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 22
DstBlock "Terminator36"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_20>"
ZOrder 5726
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 21
DstBlock "Terminator9"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_19>"
ZOrder 5727
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 20
DstBlock "Terminator10"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_18>"
ZOrder 5728
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 19
DstBlock "Terminator11"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_17>"
ZOrder 5729
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 18
DstBlock "Terminator12"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_16>"
ZOrder 5730
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 17
DstBlock "Terminator13"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_15>"
ZOrder 5733
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 16
DstBlock "Terminator30"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_14>"
ZOrder 5734
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 15
DstBlock "Terminator32"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5736
SrcBlock "OFS_PD_Out_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5739
SrcBlock "Divide1"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "OFS_PD_Out_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5740
SrcBlock "OFS_PD_Out_MON"
SrcPort 1
Points [63, 0]
Branch {
ZOrder 6028
Points [0, -19; 105, 0; 0, 24; 173, 0; 0, 95]
DstBlock "Choice3"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 6027
DstBlock "OFS_PD_Out"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5742
SrcBlock "OFS_PD_volt_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Divide5"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5746
SrcBlock "Divide5"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "OFS_PD_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5747
SrcBlock "OFS_PD_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "OFS_PD"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5773
SrcBlock "Ground37"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Temp_RC_volt_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
Name "<adc_2_13>"
ZOrder 5776
Labels [0, 0]
SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector6"
SrcPort 14
DstBlock "Terminator57"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 5778
SrcBlock "Ground38"
SrcPort 1
Points [12, 0; 0, -45]
DstBlock "Divide17"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 6029
SrcBlock "Constant15"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, 45]
DstBlock "Choice3"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6030
SrcBlock "Constant16"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, -40]
DstBlock "Choice3"
DstPort 3
Line {
ZOrder 6031
SrcBlock "Choice3"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "FLAG_OFS_PD_Out_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6032
SrcBlock "FLAG_OFS_PD_Out_MON"
SrcPort 1
Points [41, 0]
Branch {
ZOrder 6035
Points [0, 100; 11, 0; 0, 15]
DstBlock "Product16"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 6034
DstBlock "FLAG_OFS_PD_Out1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6033
SrcBlock "Constant17"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Product16"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 5685
SrcBlock "RC_ref_MON"
SrcPort 1
Points [64, 0]
Branch {
ZOrder 6048
Points [0, -19; 389, 0; 0, -6]
DstBlock "Choice4"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 6047
DstBlock "RC_ref"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6037
SrcBlock "Constant18"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, 45]
DstBlock "Choice4"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6038
SrcBlock "Constant19"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, -40]
DstBlock "Choice4"
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Line {
ZOrder 6039
SrcBlock "Choice4"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "FLAG_RC_ref_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6042
SrcBlock "FLAG_RC_ref_MON"
SrcPort 1
Points [41, 0]
Branch {
ZOrder 6041
Points [0, 100; 11, 0; 0, 15]
DstBlock "Product17"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 6040
DstBlock "FLAG_RC_ref"
DstPort 1
Line {
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SrcBlock "Constant20"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Product17"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 6050
SrcBlock "Constant21"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, 45]
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DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6051
SrcBlock "Constant22"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, -40]
DstBlock "Choice5"
DstPort 3
Line {
ZOrder 6052
SrcBlock "Choice5"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "FLAG_MC_ref_MON"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6055
SrcBlock "FLAG_MC_ref_MON"
SrcPort 1
Points [41, 0]
Branch {
ZOrder 6054
Points [0, 100; 11, 0; 0, 15]
DstBlock "Product18"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 6053
DstBlock "FLAG_MC_ref"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6056
SrcBlock "Constant23"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Product18"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 6059
SrcBlock "Product16"
SrcPort 1
Points [120, 0]
DstBlock "Sum"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 6060
SrcBlock "Product17"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Sum"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6061
SrcBlock "Sum"
SrcPort 1
Points [40, 0]
DstBlock "Sum1"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 6062
SrcBlock "Product18"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Sum1"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6063
SrcBlock "Sum1"
SrcPort 1
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6064
SrcPort 1
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6409
SrcBlock "Ground35"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_1"
DstPort 10
Line {
ZOrder 6587
SrcBlock "Ground7"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 9
Line {
ZOrder 6590
SrcBlock "Ground15"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 10
Line {
ZOrder 6591
SrcBlock "Ground16"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 11
Line {
ZOrder 6629
SrcBlock "Product2"
SrcPort 1
Points [20, 0; 0, 45]
DstBlock "Terminator4"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6845
SrcBlock "Heater_RC"
SrcPort 1
Points [177, 0; 0, -469; 774, 0; 0, -751]
DstBlock "Product19"
DstPort 1
Line {
ZOrder 6843
SrcBlock "Ground5"
SrcPort 1
Points [36, 0; 0, -15]
DstBlock "Product15"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 2293
SrcBlock "Product3"
SrcPort 1
Points [94, 0]
Branch {
ZOrder 6847
Points [0, -237; 1853, 0; 0, 352]
DstBlock "Product19"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 2390
Points [0, 15]
Branch {
ZOrder 3224
Points [0, 95]
Branch {
ZOrder 6628
DstBlock "Product2"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 6627
Points [0, 50; -30, 0; 0, 45]
Branch {
ZOrder 3240
Points [0, 70]
Branch {
ZOrder 3245
DstBlock "Product9"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 3244
Points [0, 85]
DstBlock "Product10"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 3239
DstBlock "Product6"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 3223
Points [133, 0]
Branch {
ZOrder 3488
Points [0, 41; 168, 0]
DstBlock "Product8"
DstPort 1
Branch {
ZOrder 3487
DstBlock "Product1"
DstPort 2
Branch {
ZOrder 2294
Points [114, 0; 0, -55]
DstBlock "Product"
DstPort 2
Line {
ZOrder 6848
SrcBlock "Product19"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "DAC_0"
DstPort 4
Line {
ZOrder 6849
SrcBlock "Temp_RC_MON"
SrcPort 1
DstBlock "Terminator6"
DstPort 1
Annotation {
SID "2892"
Name "#DAQ Channels\nMC_Mixer 16384\nMC_fast 16384\nRC_ref 16384\nMC_ref 16384\nd_err 16384\nOFS_PD 1638"
Position [246, 1371, 354, 1499]
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"VEO;@!C;VYT96YT X X !@ @ & 4 ( 0 $ ! D ( FIF9F9F9\\3\\. ( $ "
" 8 ( ! % \" $ #I 0 0 Z0 %-#62 M(%-U<W!E;G-I;VX@0V]N=')O;&QE<B!9($5N9 I4:&"
"62YM9&P@*%-U<W!E;G-I;VX@4&QA;G0@62!%;F0I "
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